Groups at 68 Waverley
We host a number of groups in our Community Centre that cater to a range of different interests. Have a look below to see what's on!
Friday Friends
68 Waverley St Dianella
Friday Friends is a community time every Friday from 10-11:30am. Anyone can come. It’s a good place to meet a few people, have a little fun and, if you are new to Australia, practice your English with friendly people.
Club Friday. On the second and fourth Friday's a group of mainly retired and semi retired people enjoy a range of social activities including indoor bowls, craft and table games. Bring your knitting or crochet if you want!
Coffee Friday is on the first and third Friday's and we meet for companionship and general conversation about things that matter to you.
Both groups meet at 68 Waverley Community Centre. Cost is $5 and includes morning tea. Check it out a time or two for free.
We would love to answer your questions, let you know which thing is happening this week and make you welcome. You can call us on 92753773
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These guided walks give you a gentle wander through the bushland in the Dianella Regional Open Space. Your guide has a sound knowledge of the local flora and enjoys sharing that knowledge and learning new things too.
The Noongar Season ‘Kambarang' is represented by the colour yellow as it symbolises the return of the hot weather.
During Kambarang season,we see an abundance of colours and flowers exploding all around us.
The yellows of many of the acacias continue to abound, along with some of the banksias and many other smaller delicate flowering plants including the kangaroo paw and orchids.
During this time the balgas will continue to flower, especially if they've been burnt in the past year or closely shaved.
One of the most striking displays of flowers to be seen during this season will be the moojar, or Australian Christmas Tree (Nuytsia floribunda). The bright orange-yellow flowers serve to signal the heat is on its way.
October is also the most likely time of the year that you'll encounter a snake as the reptiles start to awaken from their hibernation and look to make the most of the warm to assist them in getting enough energy to look for food.
It's also a time that many young families of birds will be singing out for their parents to feed them. Koolbardies (magpies) will be out protecting their nests and their babies.
Many things are undergoing transformation with the warm change in the weather and longer dry periods accompany a definite warming trend.
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Join Lucy on a Monday evening at 6:30pm for Zumba! No need to pre-register, just rock up on the day and join in.
Perfect For
Everybody and every body! Each Zumba® class is designed to bring people together to sweat it on.
How It Works
We take the "work" out of workout, by mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise. Super effective? Check. Super fun? Check and check.
A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class.
$13 for Casual attendance
$60 for 5 classes
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