Groups at 68 Waverley

Inspiring copy about community groups. Can have multiple instances of the gatherings block to present the groups in different clusters if desired.

Friday Friends


68 Waverley St Dianella

Friday Friends is a community time every Friday from 10-11:30am. Anyone can come. It’s a good place to meet a few people, have a little fun and, if you are new to Australia, practice your English with friendly people.

Club Friday. On the second and fourth Friday's a group of mainly retired and semi retired people enjoy a range of social activities including indoor bowls, craft and table games. Bring your knitting or crochet if you want! We meet at 68 Waverley Community Centre. Cost is $5 and includes morning tea. Check it out a time or two for free.

Coffee Friday is on the first and third Friday's and we meet for conversation, coffee and cake at a local coffee shop.

We would love to answer your questions, let you know which thing is happening this week and make you welcome. You can call us on 92753773

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Nature Walk: Saturday July 6th


Light Street Reserve

These guided walks give you a gentle wander through the bushland in the Dianella Regional Open Space. Your guide has a sound knowledge of the local flora and enjoys sharing that knowledge and learning new things too.

The Noongar Season ‘Makuru’ is represented by the colour dark blue as it symbolises rain and cold weather.
During the ‘cold and wet’ Noongar people moved inland from the coast to the Darling Scarp to shelter from the cold coastal winds.
The flowering sheoak trees meant the kangaroos were ready to eat. Wild carrots and several species of wild potato were ready for harvesting. The black swan was a reliable food source as this is the time when they are unable to fly due to moulting. Fire is very important during this season, a useful resource for food preparation and production, tool and artefact production, hunting and driving game, and for warmth and signalling.
Flowers that will start to emerge include the blues and purples of the blueberry lily (Dianella revoluta) and the purple flags (Patersonia occidentalis). As the season comes to a close, you should also start to notice the white flowers of the weeping peppermint (Agonis flexuosa) as the blues start to make way for the white and cream flowers of next season called Djilba (August to September).

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