Friday Friends
10:00-11:30am | 68 Waverley St Dianella
"Friendship is "a sheltering tree"" - Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
We meet at the 68 Waverley Community Centre from 10:00 – 11:30am on the second and fourth Friday of each month.
Friday Friends is a great place to meet a few people, have a little fun and, if you are new to Australia, practice your English with friendly people.
It is a group of mainly retired and semi-retired people who enjoy a range of social activities including indoor bowls, craft and table games. Bring your knitting or crochet if you want!
Cost is $5 and includes morning tea. Check it out a time or two for free.
We would love to answer your questions, let you know what is happening this week and make you welcome. You can call us on 92753773.